Your new life begins in Forgotten Valley, a tranquil community where your father and his friend Takakura once dreamed of running a farm. As you befriend the valley’s residents and fulfil your father’s legacy, you’ll live a carefree life on the farm growing crops and raising animals. As the seasons go by, you’ll find your lifelong partner, raise a child together, and watch them grow up before your very eyes. 

After each day’s work on the farm is done, you can go fishing, hunt for ancient treasures at the local dig site, or chat with your friends in town to build precious memories. And when the years have passed, your child will be old enough to choose a career for themselves… Will they inherit the farm? Or will they find their calling somewhere else? Only time will tell.

This remake of a beloved classic features plenty of new events, enhanced festivals, more recipes to cook, and a cornucopia of never-before-seen crops. Looking for more to do around the farm? Take pictures of your family with the new camera feature, dress up in your favourite outfits, or help your fellow residents with their requests. Whether this is your first STORY OF SEASONS adventure or you’re returning to Forgotten Valley, a wonderful life awaits you.


  • Befriend the residents of Forgotten Valley
    Find new friends among the charming cast of characters in the tranquil town of Forgotten Valley, and get to know them through all-new events!
  • Establish your homestead
    Live a carefree life on the farm growing crops and raising animals. Raise even cuter animals, new hybrid crops and build upgradeable facilities.
  • Tell your story your way
    With the option to play as a male, female, or non-binary protagonist, as well as all eligible marriage candidates available for romance regardless of that choice, you can truly be who you want to be.
  • Fall in love, start a family and build precious memories. 
    Watch your child grow into adulthood as the years pass! Will they inherit the farm? Or will they find their calling somewhere else?
  • A Wonderful Life for a new generation!
    Revisit a beloved story as never before, with reimagined visuals, animations, and additional updates to bring A Wonderful Life to a new generation. 
Release date: Out now
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